
We will carry out an assessment of the cyber risks you face and the effectiveness of your current security measures, taking account of your organisation’s objectives and priorities. We can then provide pragmatic advice on any changes to the security controls which will manage those risks better.

Our assessment of the risks that your organisation faces will be based on the specific nature of your business and the vulnerabilities this may create. We don’t claim to know everything about every type of business but we are able to bring into our assessment processes extensive experience in many sectors. What we do know a lot about is the types of risks that arise from particular types of business activity. We understand the practical requirements of data security and privacy laws. We can use all this knowledge to give you a clear, relatively jargon-free view of how much risk your organisation faces with your current security controls.

If you want is to go onto the next stage, we will build on our assessment of the risks by working out the options for reducing those risks further, giving you the choice on how much you want to spend in money and time. We will, with you, work out the potential for any changes to complicate your activities. Finally, we will support you in deciding what changes you want to make, in the context of your acceptance of risk.

This is an entry level service, aimed at those organisations who are looking to understand their cyber security posture and the extent to which associated risks are being effectively managed.